Life on Earth needs food to survive- without food, we wouldn't have the energy to go about doing the everyday tasks we take for granted, like moving and thinking. Food manufacturers produce a huge variety of food for us to obtain our energy from, allowing is to have a varied, balanced diet (unless we eat one food group more than any other) allowing us to get all the nutrition our body requires to function (and sometimes more than we need).
The old saying "a little of what you fancy does you good" is one of those phrases that I find myself using when justifying buying my favourite sugary snack, like ice cream (as if we really need an excuse with the weather we've been having lately).
On Saturday myself and fellow ScienceGrrl Bethan Clifford made ice cream with a group of 12 Brownies from Girl Guiding Beeston
Using simple ingredients from around the home- a tablespoon of sugar, 4 tablespoons of salt, some crushed ice and some semi-skimmed milk (full fat milk works much better)- the girls created tasty ice cream, which were topped off with some sprinkles, off course!
It tasted great, and it enabled the girls to learn about the physical properties of ice cream and how it obtains its famous foam structure. Learn more here