But back to reality, back to the UK, and back to work. I'm lucky enough to have my office located within The University of Nottingham's Sutton Bonington campus. and today is the start of term for hundreds of new students beginning their scientific careers in either plant sciences, nutritional sciences, veterinary sciences or- most excitingly for me- food sciences! Naturally, there are a lot of 'lost' individuals taking the time to explore the corridors and countryside that Sutton Bonington has to offer- the Sutton Bonington campus boundary is shown in red to give some idea of how close to nature we are! How exciting yet nerve-racking it must be for these students, some of whom are from across the seas, embarking a whole new way of life with so many new faces and in a brand new, beautiful environment.
Let's wish each and every one of them all the best in their new chosen path, after all, they deserve the recognition that they have made such an important life-decision. Who knows where their paths will lead, but what a great place to start the journey!